Difference between revisions of "Which country in the Balkans region has the lowest nominal gross domestic product per capita? (Q515)"

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(‎Created claim: query (P11): SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj WHERE { { SELECT ?sbj (MAX(?obj2) AS ?obj3) WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3624078 . ?sbj p:P1082 ?obj1 . ?obj1 pq:P585 ?obj2 } GROUP BY ?sbj } { SELECT ?sbj (MAX(?obj2) AS ?obj4) WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3624078 . ?sbj p:P2131 ?obj1 . ?obj1 pq:P585 ?obj2 } GROUP BY ?sbj } ?sbj p:P1082 ?obj5 . ?obj5 pq:P585 ?obj3 . ?obj5 ps:P1082 ?obj6 . ?sbj p:P2131 ?obj7 . ?obj7 pq:P585 ?obj4 . ?obj7 ps:P2131 ?obj8 . ?sbj wdt:...)
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Property / imports mentions from: What country has the lowest nominal gross domestic product per capita? / rank
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Revision as of 00:48, 29 February 2024

No description defined
  • What Balkan country has the lowest GDP per capita?
  • Which country in the Balkans has the smallest GDP per capita?
Language Label Description Also known as
Which country in the Balkans region has the lowest nominal gross domestic product per capita?
No description defined
  • What Balkan country has the lowest GDP per capita?
  • Which country in the Balkans has the smallest GDP per capita?


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SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj WHERE { { SELECT ?sbj (MAX(?obj2) AS ?obj3) WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3624078 . ?sbj p:P1082 ?obj1 . ?obj1 pq:P585 ?obj2 } GROUP BY ?sbj } { SELECT ?sbj (MAX(?obj2) AS ?obj4) WHERE { ?sbj wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3624078 . ?sbj p:P2131 ?obj1 . ?obj1 pq:P585 ?obj2 } GROUP BY ?sbj } ?sbj p:P1082 ?obj5 . ?obj5 pq:P585 ?obj3 . ?obj5 ps:P1082 ?obj6 . ?sbj p:P2131 ?obj7 . ?obj7 pq:P585 ?obj4 . ?obj7 ps:P2131 ?obj8 . ?sbj wdt:P706|wdt:P361|wdt:P131 wd:Q23522 . BIND(?obj8/?obj6 AS ?obj9) } ORDER BY ?obj9 LIMIT 1
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