Restoring old revision of "Item:Q529"

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Your text
label / eslabel / es
¿Cuál tiene el área más alta: los Estados Unidos o la Unión Europea?
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
Which is more spacious: the United States or the European Union?Which is more spacious: the U.S. or the E.U.?Which has a bigger area: the E.U. or U.S.A.?
aliases / en / 1aliases / en / 1
Which is more spacious: the United States or the European Union?
aliases / en / 2aliases / en / 2
Which is more spacious: the U.S. or the E.U.?
aliases / en / 3aliases / en / 3
Which has a bigger area: the E.U. or U.S.A.?
aliases / es / 0aliases / es / 0
¿Cuál es más amplio: los Estados Unidos o la Unión Europea?
aliases / es / 1aliases / es / 1
¿Cuál es más amplio: los EEUU o la UE?
aliases / es / 2aliases / es / 2
¿Cuál tiene el área más grande: la UE o los EEUU?
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: question / rank
Normal rank
Property / query
SELECT ?sbj WHERE { VALUES ?sbj { wd:Q30 wd:Q458 } ?sbj wdt:P2046 ?obj . } ORDER BY DESC(?obj) LIMIT 1
Property / query: SELECT ?sbj WHERE { VALUES ?sbj { wd:Q30 wd:Q458 } ?sbj wdt:P2046 ?obj . } ORDER BY DESC(?obj) LIMIT 1 / rank
Normal rank
Property / query: SELECT ?sbj WHERE { VALUES ?sbj { wd:Q30 wd:Q458 } ?sbj wdt:P2046 ?obj . } ORDER BY DESC(?obj) LIMIT 1 / qualifier
Property / query: SELECT ?sbj WHERE { VALUES ?sbj { wd:Q30 wd:Q458 } ?sbj wdt:P2046 ?obj . } ORDER BY DESC(?obj) LIMIT 1 / qualifier
Property / imports mentions from
Property / imports mentions from: Which has a higher population: the United States or the European Union? / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention
area (English)
Property / mention: area (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: area (English) / qualifier
Property / mention: area (English) / qualifier
Property / mention
spacious (English)
Property / mention: spacious (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: spacious (English) / qualifier
Property / mention: spacious (English) / qualifier
Property / mention
larger area (English)
Property / mention: larger area (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: larger area (English) / qualifier
Property / mention
more spacious (English)
Property / mention: more spacious (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: more spacious (English) / qualifier
Property / mention
bigger area (English)
Property / mention: bigger area (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: bigger area (English) / qualifier
Property / mention
área (Spanish)
Property / mention: área (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: área (Spanish) / qualifier
Property / mention: área (Spanish) / qualifier
Property / mention
área más alta (Spanish)
Property / mention: área más alta (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: área más alta (Spanish) / qualifier
Property / mention
más amplio (Spanish)
Property / mention: más amplio (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: más amplio (Spanish) / qualifier
Property / mention
área más grande (Spanish)
Property / mention: área más grande (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: área más grande (Spanish) / qualifier
Property / mention
amplio (Spanish)
Property / mention: amplio (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / mention: amplio (Spanish) / qualifier
Property / mention: amplio (Spanish) / qualifier
